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It's a scorching New York City summer day and gossip is spreading like wildfire amongst the residents of Emma Jones' building. The chatter centers around an affair between Mrs. Anna Maurrant and her milkman, Steve Sankey. When Mr. Frank Maurrant appears, the conversation abruptly changes. Meanwhile, Rose Maurrant, the couple's daughter, is facing advances from her married boss while harboring feelings for her kind Jewish neighbor, Sam. \n\nThe following day, Mr. Maurrant tells his wife he's heading to Stamford for business. However, she meets Sankey in their apartment, and when Mr. Maurrant unexpectedly returns, he discovers them together. A struggle ensues, shots ring out, and Sankey lays dying while Maurrant's wife is fatally wounded. \n\nMaurrant is captured by the police and his daughter, Rose, is left to care for herself and her younger brother. Despite her boss's offer for an apartment and support, Rose refuses. Instead, she decides to leave the city and encounters Sam who offers to go with her. However, Rose insists they spend time apart before they pursue a relationship. Heartbroken, Sam watches as Rose walks away from him along the street. 展开全部


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