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Three criminals involved in the drug trade embark on a journey in a homemade submarine. Although the vessel functions well in the beginning, it soon experiences malfunctions. While attempting to decrease the weight of the submarine, the trio discovers a young girl named Reina, who has been hiding and looks quite awful. As tensions between the men increase, Reina tries to escape but has nowhere to go in the vast and empty ocean. The film, Submersible, depicts the conflicts and struggles of the characters in a unique setting where there is nothing in sight except for the horizon. The submarine environment also generates anxiety and claustrophobia. Natalia Reyes, a well-known actress from Columbia who gained worldwide recognition in Ciro Guerra's Birds of Passage (2018) and made her Hollywood debut in Terminator: Dark Fate (2019), delivers another remarkable performance in the role of Reina. (Jin PARK) 展开全部


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