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Tham traveled extensively to reach the remote island of Donsingtham, with the intention of reuniting with his brother Tee, who had taken the path of renunciation. Upon arriving at the temple in Donsingtham, Tham crossed paths with Jate, a skilled sculptor who was enchanting voodoo dolls with his incantations. Rumors had circulated that Tham's brother had fled the island after allegedly committing murder, but Tham vehemently refused to believe that his brother possessed such capability. Furthermore, he began to question the blind devotion of the villagers towards the Singtham dolls, perceiving it as mere superstitious beliefs rather than genuine spiritual protection.\n\nSubsequently, a series of heinous events plagued the village, enveloping it in terror. The disappearance of a woman, a mounting number of lifeless bodies, and the most dreadful of all, the destruction of the revered Singtham dolls. The villagers grew indignant, reaching a boiling point, and prepared a ritual to curse and apprehend the true culprit responsible for the calamities. 展开全部


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